The fraternitye of uacabondes - As wel of ruflyng vacabondes, as of beggerly, of women as of men, of gyrles, as of boyes, with their proper names and qualities. With a description of the crafty company of cousoners and shifters. Wherunto also is adioyned the. xxv. orders of knaues, otherwyse called a quartern of kuaues sic. Confirmed for euer by Cocke Lorell

John Awdelay
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
By Iohn Awdeley, dwellyng in little Britayne streete without Aldersgate 1575 England, Imprinted at London [18] sidor.
By Iohn Awdely, dwelling in lytle Brittain streete, beyond Aldersgate 1565 England, Imprinted at London [1+] sidor.