The good Samaritane - A sermon preached at the parish-church of St. Magnus the Martyr, by London-Bridge, the 13th Sunday after Trinity, being August 25. 1700, upon the Holy Gospel for the day. Printed at the request of the church-wardens, and others of the chief auditors, and humbly dedicated to Sir Charles Duncombe, Knight, and alderman of the ward of Bridge. On account of the most unwonted sort of charity, and noble generosity, which the City of London, and particularly the parish of St. Magnus has lately tasted of. By Richard Holland, M.A. chaplain to His Grace the D. of Richmond, curate of St. Magnus, and lecturer of Alhallows the Great

Richard Holland
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printed for J. Back at the Black Boy on London-bridge 1700 England, London [8], 28 sidor.