The height of Israels heathenish idolatrie, in sacrificing their children to the Deuill - diuided into three sections: where is shewed in the first, the growth and degrees of this, and generally of other sinnes and idolatries. In the second, that the Deuill was the god of the heathen; with the meanes by which he obtayned that honour. With a large application to our times, against popery, shewing the pride thereof, and malice both against soule and body; together with the meanes, sleights, and policies by which it seduceth, killeth, and in the person of the Pope, raiseth it selfe to its present height. In the third, the blinde zeale of idolaters. Deliuered generally in two sermons preached at S. Maries in Cambridge: the first whereof is much inlarged: by Robert Ienison Bachelor of Diuinitie, and late Fellow of S. Johns Colledge in Cambridge
- Författare
- Robert Jenison
- Språk
- Engelska
Förlag | År | Ort | Om boken | ISBN |
Printed by G. Eld for Robert Mylbourne, and are to be sold at his shop, at the great south-doore of Paules | 1621 | England, London | [20], 156, 30 sidor. |