The history of Devonshire. (Dedicated, by permission, to the king.) The first part of the chorographical survey of Devon (or the second volume of the History) has been long in the press: and I have pleasure in intimating, that this volume is now completely printed. I should not hesitate, therefore, to bring forward I. A prospectus of the whole work-II. To give a list of subjects for engraving-III. To settle the terms of the subscription-IV. To arrange the names of my subscribers-V. To explain the nature of my disquisitions, entitled historical views of Devonshire-VI. And, to advert to the progress of the history. ...

History of Devonshire. Prospectus
Richard Polwhele
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
s.n. 1793 England, London? 12p. 2⁰.