The hope of the faithfull - declaringe breefelye and clearly the resurrection of our Lord Iesus Christ past, and of our true essentiall bodyes to come : and playnely confuting the chiefe errors that haue sprong therof out of the Scripture and doctors : vvith an euident probaion sic that there is an eternall life of the faithfull, and an everlasting damnation of the vnfaithfull

In sacrosanctum Evangelium secundum Matthaeum, commentariorum libri XII. Selections
Heinrich Bullinger
(Translated by M. Myles Couerdale out of high Dutch.)
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By Hugh Singleton, at the signe of the Golden Tunne Anno 1579 England, Printed at London in Creede Lane [6], 247 sidor.
In Crede Lane, by Hugh Singleton, at the signe of the Golden Tunne Anno. 1574 England, Printed at London [6], 250 sidor.