The ioyfull entrie of the Dukedome of Brabant - & the articles agreed vpon, and graunted by their lordes, and confirmed by the Emperour Charles the Fifte, and solemnely sworne by Philippe his sonne King of Spaine. Anno 1549. Set foorth to the viewe of al louers of the trueth, who openly may see therein, how the same in no wise is perfourmed, (the Lord in his mercie emende it) but to the contrary, in place of getting and preseruing of priuiledges and liberties, they are through the inspiration of the Pope and his allyed, with all crueltie and tyrannie, broken, taken away, & totally voyd. Printed at Delft in Dutch, and Englished by R.V.S. 1581

Treaties, etc. Brabant (Duchy), 1549-07-05
Holy Roman Empire
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By Robert VValdegraue, dwelling without Temple-bar, neere vnto Sommerset-House 1581 England, Printed at London [40] sidor.