The ladies cabinet enlarged and opened. - containing many rare secrets, and rich ornaments of several kindes, and different uses. Comprized under three general heads. Viz. of brace 1. Preserving, conserving, candying, &c 2. Physick and chirurgery. 3. Cookery and houswifery. Whereunto is added, sundry experiments, and choice extractions of waters, oyls, &c

Ladies cabinet opened
(Collected and practised; by the late Right Honorable and learned chymist, the Lord Ruthuen. With a particular table to each part.)
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Printed by T.M. for M.M. G. Bedell, and T. Collins, at the middle Temple-Gate, Fleet-street. 1654 England, London [8], 244 sidor.
Printed by T.M. for M.M.G. Bedell, and T. Collins ... 1654 England, London [9], 244 sidor.