The last nevves from the Prince of Wales. - declaring His further proceedings against the Par- sic Parliaments forces, and Captain Battens joyning with his Highnesse, with 5000. men from Holland. And another great and bloudy fight between his Highnesse forces, and the Parliaments; with the number killed and taken, the manner of the fight, and how the Princes foot routed Col. Rich his horse, and put them to a disorderly retreat, by throwing wild-fire, & granadoes amongst them, which they carried on the end of thier pikes. Also, the firing of the guards belonging to the Parliaments forces by the princes foot, and above 100. slain upon the place near Deal Towns-end. Likewise, a discovery of the resolution of divers of the inhabitants of Sandwich, to rise for the King, with spades, mattocks, felling-axes, spits, and pitchforks, to beat out the Parliaments forces, and to seize on the town for the Prince

P. N.
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s.n. Printed Anno Dom. 1648 England, London [2], 6 sidor.