The lyves, of philosophers and oratours: vvritten in Greeke, by Eunapius, of the cittie of Sardeis in Lydia. Brought into light, translated into Latine, and dedicated to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, our moste gracious princesse and soueraigne, Queene Elizabeth. By the great learned man, Hadrianus Iunius Hornanus. 1568. And now set foorth in English, at his request: and dedicated to the right Honourable, the Lord Chauncellour of England. 1579
- Originaltitel
- Vitae sophistarum
- Författare
- Eunapius
- Språk
- Engelska
Förlag | År | Ort | Om boken | ISBN |
By John Charlewood? for Richard Iohnes, and are to be solde at his shop ouer against S. Sepulchres Church without Newgate | The. xx. daye of May 1579 | England, Imprinted at London | [8], 48 leaves |