The marrovv of astrology - In two books. Wherein is contained the natures of the sines and planets, with their several governing angels, according to their respective hierarchies. And the method of directions according to the Ægyptians and Chaldeans, with several other useful examples. Also a table of houses, exactly calculated for the latitude of London, with tables of the mundane aspects, and all that is requisite for the rectifying and directing nativities; according to the true intent and meaning of Ptolomy: wherein is discovered the errors of most of our modern authors: unto which is added and appendix, adapted to the use and illustration thereof, in a nativity exemplified according to the doctrine of mundane aspects. The like never done in English. By John Bishop, student in astrology and chymistry. To which is prefix'd a preface in commendation of the author and his method, by Henry Coley

Richard Kirby
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printed by Joseph Streater for William Fisher, and Richard Mount, at the postern on Tower-Hill 1689 England, London [14], 128; 96, 16 sidor.