The materials of the artist and their use in painting with notes on the techniques of the old masters

Max Doerner
(Max Doerner translated by Eugen Neuhaus)
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
Trade Paper 1984 USA, Harcourt. USA 435 sidor. 0-15-657716-X
Hart-Davis, MacGibbon 1969, pr. 1976 Storbritannien, London xvi, 435 sidor. : ill. 0-246-63877-X
Hart-Davis 1973 Sverige, London xvi, 435 sidor. : ill.
Harcourt, Brace & World 1964? USA, New York 435 sidor. : ill.
1949 USA, New York ill.
Harrap 1935 Storbritannien, London 432 sidor.