The most pleasant and delightful historie of Curan, a prince of Danske, and the fayre Princesse Argentile, daughter and heyre to Adelbright, sometime King of Northumberland - Shewing his first loue vnto her, his succeslesse suite, and the low deiections he vnderwent for her sake. His second loue to the same lady vnknowne, taking her for a poore countrie damsell. She (by reason of the vnkindnesse of King Edell her vnckle and gardian) hauing forsooke the court, and vndertooke the profession of a neatheardes mayde. His constant loue (after her long continued vnkindnes) rewarded with her wished consent, their happie nuptials, and mutuall reioycings, his valour and victorious warre with King Edell: and lastly, his peacefull installment in the kingly throne. Enterlacte with many pritty and pithie prayses of beauty, and other amorous discourses, pleasing, smooth and delightfull. By William Webster

William Webster, treatise writer
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Printed by Barnard Alsop for Richard Higgenbotham, and are to be solde at his shop at the signe of the Cardinals Hatte neere S. Sepulchres Church 1617 England, London [64] sidor.