The mystery of curing comprehensively - Explained and confirm'd, by exemplar of the Catholic medicine. Powerfully impregnated, and accuratly formed; to assist the regent principle, disabled, or impeded in vital government. Enabled hereby; more vigorously, and constantly to execute; the functions and daily operations; necessary to health, and life. For support of human bodyes, variously declining; and recovery out of a diseased state. The most useful, efficacious, and comprehensive expedient; (preventive and curative) against the painful diseased, and decays of human nature. By E. Maynwaringe. M.D. Jan. 11. 1693/3. Imprimatur. Edm. Bohun

Everard Maynwaringe
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printed for the booksellers MDCXCIII. 1693 England, London 16 sidor.