The naked vvoman, or a rare epistle sent to Mr. Peter Sterry minister at Whitehall; - desiring him to shew the causes or reasons of his silence, in that he neither by his ministeriall office, charged the magistrates that were present to redresse, nor so much as shewd any sign of grief or detestation, as became a sincere Christian; against that most strange ans shamefull late act of an impudent woman, in the midst of his sermon on a Lords day at Whitehall chapell, concerning the resurrection, before the chief states of this nation. A satisfactory answer he returned; which with a lving acceptance thereof, are here also printed; very worthy the observation of all, both sexes and degrees of people in these nations

David Brown
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printed for E. Blackmore, at the Angel in Pauls Church-yard 1652 England, London [4], 20 sidor.