The necessity of toleration in matters of religion, or, Certain questions propounded to the Synod, tending to prove that corporall punishments ought not to be inflicted upon such as hold errors in religion, and that in matters of religion, men ought not to be compelled, but have liberty and freedome. - Here is also the copy of the edict of the Emperours Constantinus and Licinius, and containing the reasons that inforced them to grant unto all men liberty to choose, and follow what religion they thought best. Also here is the faith of the Assembly of Divines, as it was taken out of the exactest copy of their practise, with the non-conformists answer why they cannot receive and submit to the said faith

Samuel Richardson
(By Samuel Richardson.)
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s.n. printed in the yeare of jubilee 1647 England, London [2], 22 sidor.