The nomenclator, or remembrancer of Adrianus Iunius physician - diuided in two tomes, conteining proper names and apt termes for all thinges vnder their conuenient titles, which within a few leaues doe follow: vvritten by the said Ad. Iu. in Latine, Greeke, French and other forrein tongues: and now in English, by Iohn Higins: vvith a full supplie of all such vvords as the last inlarged edition affoorded; and a dictional index, conteining aboue fourteene hundred principall words with their numbers directly leading to their interpretations: of special vse for all scholars and learners of the same languages

Hadrianus Junius
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For Ralph Newberie, and Henrie Denham 1585 England, Imprinted at London [16], 656 sidor.