The oath taken by the Parliament of England. - Concerning the maintenance of the Protestant religion, and the advancement of His Majesties honour and regall prerogative. Whereunto is annexed the oath of the dukes, earles, barons, gentry and commonalty of His Majesties Kingdome of Scotland. Wherein is declared their great care to maintaine and defend the Gospell, and the professors thereof; and also their loyall intentions towards His Majesty and his heires, promising to use all carefull meanes, to fulfill his Majesties just and royall commands. Ordered by the House of Commons that this be printed &c. Hen. Elsing. Cler. Parl. D. Com, also a declaration of both Houses of Parliament, concerning severall matters of great importance. And ordered to be printed. Iohn Browne, Cler. Parliament

England and Wales
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Printed by T. Favvcet 1642 England, London [8] sidor.
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