The perfect tryall and confession of the Earl of Derby, - at a court-marshall holden at Chester the first day of October, in the year of our Lord God, 1651. By vertue of a commission from His Excellency the Lord General Cromwel. With his speech and plea in defence of his life, delivered at the barr; and his sentence to be beheaded in the market-place of Beulton in Lancashire on Wednesday next; his letter to his Lady concerning the same, and the government of the Island; as also capt. Youngs summons, and her resolute answer. Likewise, the tryal of Sir Timothy Fetherstonhaugh, and his sentence to be beheaded at Chester, and Captain Benbow to be shot at Shrewsbury. Together with the charge of high treason against coi. sic Vaughan, Lieu. Col. Jackson, C. Massey, Dr. Drake, M. Case, M. Jackson, and M Jenkins. With the Parliaments directions to the High-Court of Justice for their tryall this present Friday

Edward Stanley Derby, Earl of
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for George Wharton 1651 England, Imprinted at London [2], 6 sidor.