The pleasant history of Iohn VVinchcomb - in his younger yeares called Iack of Newbery, the famous and worthy clothier of England; declaring his life and loue, together with his charitable deedes and great hospitality. And how he set continually fiue hundred poore people at worke, to the great benefite of the common-wealth. The eleuenth edition, corrected and enlarged by T.D

Thomas Deloney
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Printed by H. Lownes and R. Young and are to be sold by Iohn Harrigat at the Holy Lamb in Pater-noster Row An. 1630 England, London [92] sidor.
Printed by H. Lownes, and are to be sold by Cuthbert Wright in S. Bartholomews, neer the entrance into the Hospitall 1626 England, London [92] sidor.
Printed by Humfrey Lownes, and are to bee sould at the signe of the Star on Bredstreet hill 1619 England, At London [92] sidor.
Printed by Humfrey Lownes ... 1619 Utgivningsland okänt / Ej specificerat, At London [87] sidor. 22 cm.