The priests lips should keep knowlege,--but ye are departed out of the way: ye have caused many to stumble.--Mal. ii. 7.8 - XX articls sic of charge against the Revd Mr. bacheller, as they were laid before the council, sitting at Haverhill, West Parish, September 19. 1758. Also the said council's result, with the evidences which were offered to support the charges, which the council judged was not sufficiently supported. Also some friendly remarks upon the result; made by the desire of the aggrieved, and by one of their number, and given in to the council, sitting April 17. 1759.-- Also the council's addition to their former result; with some remarks upon that. Four lines from Ezekiel

Joseph Haynes
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Printed by D. Fowle 1760 USA, Portsmouth N.H. 88p. 8⁰.