The primer - in English.

Book of hours
Church of England
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By Thomas Gaultier, at the costes and charges of Robert Toye, dwelling at Paules Churche-yarde, at the sygne of the Bell ca. 1550 England, Imprinted at London iiii-144 [i.e. 142], [4] leaves
VVithin the precint of the late dissolued house of the Gray Friers by Richarde Grafton printer to the Princes grace the .xvi. day of Marche, the yere of our lord a thousande, D.xlvi. 1546 England, Imprinted at London [426+] sidor.
By Rychard Grafyton dwellynge within the circuite of the late Grayfryers, prynter to the Prynces grace 1545? England, Imprynted in London [8] leaves