The rewarde of wickednesse - discoursing the sundrye monstrous abuses of wicked and vngodlye worldelinges: in such sort set downe and written as the same haue béene dyuersely practised in the persones of popes, harlots, proude princes, tyrauntes, Romish byshoppes, and others. VVith a liuely description of their seuerall falles and finall destruction. Verye profitable for all sorte of estates to reade and looke vpon. Nevvly compiled by Richard Robinson, seruaunt in housholde to the right Honorable Earle of Shrovvsbury. A dreame most pitiful, and to be dreaded

Richard Robinson
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In Pawles Churche Yarde, by William Williamson 1574 England, Imprinted at London [128] sidor.