The smoak of the botomlesse pit, differenced from the smoaking flax. - Or, the sinne and blasphemy against the holy Ghost plainly and briefly set down in a sermon. Wherein is shewed, 1. The antecedaneous qualifications of the person committing the sinne 2. The acts of this sinne. 3. The qualifications of those acts. 4. The sad consequents of the sinne. 5. The severall conclusions drawn from the precedent truths. 6. Lastly, the uses of the whole discourse. Preached by Tho. White minister of the word of God in Wisbeech in the Isle of Ely

Thomas White
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Printed by Roger Daniel, for Anthony Nicholson Stationer, and are to be sold at his shop in Cambridge 1648 England, S.l. [6], 76 sidor.