The solace of Sion, and ioy of Ierusalem: or consolation of Gods Church in the latter age - redeemed: by the preaching of the gospell vniuersallie. Beeing a godly and learned exposition of the Lxxxvij. Psalme of the princelie prophet Dauid: vvritten in Latine by the reuerend Doctor Vrbanus Regius, pastor of Christes Church at Zella in Saxonie. 1536. Translated into English by Richard Robinson cittizen of London. 1587

Psalmus octuagesimus septimus, de gloriosa Christi ecclesia
Urbanus Rhegius
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Printed by J. Charlewood for Richard Iones 1591 England, At London [80] sidor.
R. Jones 1587 England, London [4], 39 leaves