The triumphs of Gods revenege sic, against the crying, and execrable sinne of murther. The first booke - or his miraculous discoueries and seuere punishments thereof: in thirty seuerall tragicall histories (digested in sixe bookes) acted in diuers countries beyond the seas, and neuer till now published, or imprinted in any language. Histories, which containe great variety of memorable accidents, amorous, morall and diuine, very necessary to restraine, and deterre vs from this bloody sinne, which, in these our dayes, makes so ample, and so lamentable a progression

God's revenge against murder
John Reynolds
(Written by Iohn Reynolds.)
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Printed by Felix Kyngston, for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop in Fleete-streete, at the signe of the golden Buck, neere Serieants Inne 1621 England, London [24], 180 sidor.