The trivmphs of Gods revenge, against the crying and execrable sinne of murther. Booke III - Expressed in thirty seuerall tragicall histories, (digested into sixe bookes) which containe great varietie of mournefull and memorable accidents, amorous, morall, diuine

God's revenge against murder
John Reynolds
(Written by Iohn Reynolds.)
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Printed by Augustine Mathevves, for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop in Fleet-street, at the signe of the golden Buck, neere Seriants Inne 1624 England, At London [10], 238 sidor.
Printed by Augustine Mathewes for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop in Fleet-street at the signe of the Golden Buck, neere Seriants Inne 1623 England, At London [8], 238 sidor.