The tryall and plea of James Earle of Derby, prisoner of war, before a court martiall at Chester, Octob. 1. 1651 - The articles were severall particulars of treason, by his invading England, raising forces, &c. The answer is a confession of the fact. The plea is a plea of quarter, which he conceives to be a good bar to a tryall for life, by court martiall or councell of war, though not against a meer civill judicature. His plea was over-ruled by the court upon this account, that the court martiall was directed by Parliament. So that the court proceeded to sentence, only gave him a fortnights time from the first of October. From this sentence he appealeth to his Excellency the Lord Generall

James Stanley Derby, Earl of
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s.n. printed in the yeare, 1651 England, London [2], 8 sidor.