The vote of both Houses of Parliament; upon the discovering of the late designe. Or, A narrative of a seditious and Iesuiticall practice upon the Parliament, and city of London, lately discovered; - and some observations upon it by Mr. Soliciter. Die Sabbathi, 20 Ian. 1643. It is this day ordered by the Lords and Commons, that the 21. day of this instant January, being the Lords day, be kept as a day of publique thanksgiving, for the great deliverances which God hath given to the Parliament and city, from the severall plots and designes against them; and more particularly, in discovering the late designe: and that the vote of both Houses upon the late designe be printed, and read in the churches. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com
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Printed for Peter Cole |
1644 |
England, London |
12 sidor. |