The vvounded conscience cured, the weak one strengthned, sic and the doubting satisfied - By way of answer to Doctor Fearne. Where the main point is rightly stated, and objections throughly answered for the good of those who are willing not to be deceived. By William Bridge, preacher of Gods Word. It is ordered this 30. day of January, 1642. by the committee of the House of Commons in Parliament, concerning printing, that this answer to Dr. Fearnes book be printed. John White. The second edition, correced and amended. Whereunto are added three sermons of the same author; 1. Of courage, preached to the voluntiers. 2. Of stoppage in Gods mercies to England, with their sic remedies. 3. A preparation for suffering in these plundering times

William Bridge
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printed for Benjamin Allen, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Alley 1643 England, London [4], 24, 41-64 sidor.