The vvhole life and progresse of Henry Walker the ironmonger. - First, the manner of his conversation. Secondly, the severall offences, and scandalous pamphlets the said Walker hath writ, and for which he is now a prisoner in New-Gate. Thirdly, the forme of the inditement which is laid against him, by the Kings sergeants at law, and his learned counsell. Fourthly, his conviction by the iury. Fiftly, his recantation, and sorrow for the publicke wrong he hath done His Majesty and the whole kingdome. Here are also many remarkable passages concerning the offence, and apprehending the said Henry Walker, with a true relation of his severall escapes and rescues from the hands of justice; &c. Collected and written by Iohn Taylor

John Taylor
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
s.n. 1642 England, Printed at London [8] sidor.
s.n. 1642 Utgivningsland okänt / Ej specificerat, Printed at London [8] sidor. 19 cm.
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