Franklin - the Autobiography and other writings on politics, economics, and virtue

Works. Selections. 2004
Benjamin Franklin
(Edited by Alan Houston.)
Biografi, Biography., History., Biografier, Bibliografi, Early works.
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
Cambridge University Press 2004 England, Cambridge, U.K, New York lii, 381 pages 23 cm. 978-0-521-83496-4, 978-0-521-54265-4
1970 USA, New York 10 vol. 0-8383-0194-0
Modern Library cop. 1950 USA, New York 264 sidor.
Random cop. 1944 USA, New York 264 sidor.
Lippincott 1893 USA, Philadelphia 3 vol. ill. 20 cm
W. and R. Chambers 1838 Skottland, Edinburgh 86 sidor.
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