Three years travels throughout the interior parts of North-America, for more than five thousand miles - ... together with a concise history of the genius, manners, and customs of the Indians ... and an appendix, describing the uncultivated parts of America, that are the most proper for forming settlements. By Captain Jonathan Carver, of the provincial troops in America

Travels through the interior parts of North-America
Jonathan Carver
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Printed by John Russell, for David West, no. 56, Cornhill, Boston 1797 USA, Boston xvi, [1], 6-312 sidor. 12⁰.
by Charles Peirce, for David West, no. 36, Marlborough-Street, Boston M,DCC,XCIV. 1794 USA, Printed at Portsmouth, New Hampshire xvi,vii,[2],10-282p. 12⁰.