Two letters on the corn laws - first, to the Right Honourable Lord Milton, shewing that the farmer is the first and foremost doomed to ruin, in any sudden depression of prices, by a free trade in corn, and that it is his duty to petition the legislature, that there may be no alteration, without a full protecting duty : second, shewing that it is also the interest of every tradesman, manufacturer, and merchant in the kingdom to do the same, and of the impossibility of throwing our poor soils out of cultivation : with an introductory letter, to T.W. Coke, Esq. M.P. : to which are added notes on the paper currency & poor laws, as far as concerns the farmer

Plain farmer of Huntingdonshire.
(A plain farmer of Huntingdonshire.)
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Printed and Sold by T. Bell 1827 Utgivningsland okänt / Ej specificerat, Oundle viii, 28 sidor. 21 cm.