Two speeches made by the speakers of both Houses of Parliament to His Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax Generall. - after the Army had guarded the members to sit in safety on Friday the 6. day of August 1647. And, an ordinance of both Houses of Parliament making His Excellency constable in the Tower of London, and giving him power to make a lieutenant. A moneths pay given to the souldiers and under officers of the army, for a gratuity: and the votes concerning the guards. With severall orders concerning the army. Also an order of both Houses appointing a committee to examine the mutiny on Munday seven night, whereby the speakers and members were driven from the Parliament. And a thanksgiving appointed to be kept on Thursday August 12. 1647

England and Wales
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by Robert Ibbitson. 1647 England, Printed at London [2], 6 sidor.
Printed by Robert Ibbitson 1647 England, London 6 sidor.