Two treatises of the Lord his holie Supper - the one instructing the seruants of God how they should be prepared when they come to the holy Supper of our onely Sauiour Iesus Christ: whereunto is annexed a dialogue conteining the principall points necessarie to be knowne and vnderstood of all them that are to be partakers of the holy Supper: the other setting forth dialoguewise the whole vse of the Supper: whereunto also is adioyned a briefe and learned treatise of the true Sacrifice and true priest. Written in the French tongue by Yues Rouspeau and Iohn de l'Espine ministers of the word of God, and latelie translated into English

Yves. Rouspeau
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Imprinted by Thomas Thomas printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1584 England, Cambridge 58 [i.e. 56], 70 sidor.