Virtumnus sic Romanus, or, A discourse penned by a romish priest, - wherein he endevours to prove that it is lawfull for a papist in England to goe to the Protestant church, to receive the Communion, and to take the oathes both of allegiance and supremacie. To which are adjoyned animadversions in the in the sic margin by way of antidote against those places where the rankest poyson is couched. By Daniel Featley Dr. in Divinitie

Daniel Featley
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Imprinted by I.L. for Nicholas Bourne, and Iohn Bartlet: and are to be sold at the South entrance at the Royall Exchange, and at the gilt Cup neere Austins Gate, in Pauls Church-yard 1642 England, London [20], 156 sidor.
Imprinted by I. L. for Nicholas Bourne and Iohn Bartlet ... 1642 England, London [20], 156 sidor.