Vox stellarum; being an almanack for year human redemption 1708, it being the bissextile or leap-year. - Wherein is contained a table of the terms with their returns; secondly a table of all the kings and queens reigns from king Egbert to this present reign; as also the fulls, changes, and quarters of the moon, her rising, setting, time of high water at near one hundred places; the rising, setting, and southing of the seven stars, with other fixed stars of note; rising and setting of the sun, mutual aspects and Weather, with astrological observations, eclipses, and a large chronology of many remarkable things: the like, in all particulars, not in any extant. Unto which is added, an account of all the kings and queens that have govern'd Scotland from the time it was first a kingdom, to the time of the happy union: as also two strange prophecies, and also a wonderful hierogliphick, concerning these times, represented by a ram regardant a sea crab, the union flag of Great Britain, a dragon, and two armies figthting for a globe, with the meaning of all being very delightful and worth the reader's observation. Almanack is rectify'd chiesty to the Meridian of London those latitude is 51 degrees, 32 minutes north, but will give for any part of Great-Britain or Ireland. By: Francis Moore, licens'd physician and student in astrology

Francis Moore
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Printed by T. Hodgkin for the Company of Stationers 1708 England, London [32],16p. 8⁰.