Vox stellarum: or, A loyal almanack for the year of human redemption, MDCCLXXXIV - Being the bissextile or leap-year in which are contained a table of term and their returns the full, changes, and quarters of the moon the rising, southing, and setting of the seven stars, and other fixed stars of note; the moon's age and a tide table fitted to the date. The rising and setting of the sun; the rising, southing, and setting of the moon; mutual aspects, monthly observations; and many other things, useful and profitable unto which are added, astrological observations in the four quarters of the year. An hieroglyphic, alluding to these present times; a remarkable chronoly; the eclipses; and other matters, both curous and profitable. With a particular ... By Frances Moore physician

Francis Moore
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Printed for T. Carnan, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, who, after an expensive suit in law and equity, by the unanimous opinion of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas dispossessed the Stationers' Company of their pretended exclusive privilege of printing almanacks, which they had usurped for two centuries; a convincing proof that no unjust monopoly will ever stand the test of an English Court of Justice 1784? England, London 48p. 8⁰.