Whereas Redmond O Hanlon of Tonderegee, in the county of Armagh, yeoman, Laughlin Mac Redmond O Hanlon of Killeany, yeoman, Daniel Mac Murphy Mac Thorlagh Roe O Murphy of the same, yeoman, Cormuck Raver O Murphy of the same, yeoman, Hugh Turr O Murphy of the same, yeoman and 22 others have of late committed several burglaries, robberies, and stealths in the said several counties of Armagh, Kerry, Cork, Limerick, Mayo, Sligoe, and else-where within this kingdom, besides divers other outrages ..
- Författare
- Ireland
- (The Lord Lieutenant and Council, Essex.)
- Språk
- Engelska
Förlag | År | Ort | Om boken | ISBN |
Printed by Benjamin Tooke ... and are to be sold by Joseph Wilde ... | 1674 | Irland, Dublin | [2] leaves. |