1 |
The subalpine mountain hemlock zone - subalpine vegetation in southwestern British Columbia, its climatic characteristics, soils, ecosystems and environmental relationships
Robert C. Brooke
1970 |
Engelska |
2 |
The nodulation of legumes
Robert Brooke Mellor
1996? |
Engelska |
3 |
Two speeches made in the House of Peers, on Munday the 19. of December, for, and against accomodation
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
1643 |
Engelska |
4 |
A discourse opening the nature of that episcopacie, which is exercised in England. - Wherein, with all humility, are represented some considerations tending to the much desired peace, and long expected reformation, of this our mother church
Robert Greville Brooke, Baron
1641 |
Engelska |
5 |
A worthy speech made by the Right Honourable the Lord Brooke, at the election of his captaines and commanders at Warwick Castle, as also at the delivery of their last commissions
Robert Greville Brooke, Baron
1643 |
Engelska |
6 |
Three speeches spoken in Guild-Hall, - concerning His Majesties refusall of a treaty of peace, and what is to be done thereupon. Two of them spoken by the Lord Brook, and one by Sir Henry Vane, on Tuesday the 8. of Novem. 1642. Also, votes of the Houses of Parliament, made on Munday the 7. of Novem. And read in Guild-hall on Tuesday the 8. of Novem. 1642
Robert Greville Brooke, Baron
1642 |
Engelska |
7 |
Propositions from the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. - propounded by the Earle of Devon. The Earle of Newcastle. The E. of Northampton. The Earle of Lindsey. The Earle of Rivers. The Lord Moubray. The Lord Rich. The Lord Chapel. Accompanyed with 5000. horse and foot for their guard. To the Lo: Brooks, and the gentry and commonalty assembled at Warwick, on Thursday last, August 18. With the Lo: Brooks his answer to the said propositions. Also the Parliaments determination concerning their resolution, wherein they declare that they will (to the hazard of their lives and fortunes) assist all those that shall obey their just commands. Aug. 20. Ordered that this be printed and published. Joh. Browne, Clar. Parl
England and Wales
1642 |
Engelska |
8 |
An exact relation shewing, how the governour of Portsmouth Castle delivered it up in the name of the King to the malignant party. - Wherenpon sic he thrust out the Protestants placing ill affected persons in their garrisons. Also a terrible combate fought in Bedfordshire betweene two knigts, the one sent in commission of array by the King, the other for the militia by the Parliament wherin is declared the mighty overthrow of the Kings commissioner, who with great losse was faine to fly for his life. Likewise, the Lord Brooke his resolution concerning the Lord of Northampton. Iohn, Brow. Cler. Parl
1642 |
Engelska |
9 |
Ascuns nouel cases de les ans & temps le Roy H. 8 Edw. 6 & la Roygne Mary - excrie ex la Graund abridgement compose per Robert Brooke chiualer & c. la disperse en les titles : mes icy collect sub ans
Robert Brooke, Sir
1625 |
Romanskt språk |
10 |
Les ans ou reports del raigne du roye Eduuard le Quart
1640 |
Romanskt språk |
11 |
Les ans du Roy Richard le Second collect' ensembl' hors de les abridgments de Statham, Fitzherbert et Brooke per Richard Bellevve de Lincolns Inne. 1585. Ouesque un table a cette annexe
Richard. Bellew
1585 |
Romanskt språk |
12 |
The nature of truth its union and unity with the soule - which is one in its essence, faculties, acts; one with truth. Discussed by the Right Honorable Robert Lord Brook, in a letter to a private friend. By whom it is now published for the publick good
Robert Greville Brooke, Baron
1641 |
Engelska |
13 |
Ascun nouell cases de les ans et temps le Roy, H.8. Ed.6. et la Roygne Mary, escrie ex la graund Abridgement, compose per Sir Robert Brooke chieualer &c. la disperse en les titles. Mes icy collect sub ans
Robert Brooke, Sir
1578 |
Romanskt språk |
14 |
157 6. La graunde abridgement, collecte & escrie per le iudge tresreuerend Syr Robert Brooke chiualier, nadgairs chiefe Iustice del common banke
Robert Brooke, Sir
duodecimo die Octobris 1576. Cum priuilegio |
Romanskt språk |
15 |
Ascuns nouel cases de les ans & temps le Roy, H.8. Edw.6. & la Roygne Mary, escrie en la graund abridgement, compose per Sir Robert Brooke chiualer &c. la disperse en les titles. Mes icy collect sub ans
Robert Brooke, Sir
An. Dom. 1597. Cum priuilegio |
Romanskt språk |
16 |
1573. La graunde abridgement, collecte & escrie per le iudge tresreuerend Syr Robert Brooke chiualier, nadgairs chiefe Iustice del common banke
Robert Brooke, Sir
vicesimo quinto Ianuarij. 1573. Cum priuilegio |
Romanskt språk |
17 |
1586. La graunde abridgement, collecte & escrie, per le iudge tresreuerend Sir Robert Brooke chiualer, nadgairs chiefe Iustice del common banke
Robert Brooke, Sir
vicesimo nono die Septemb. 1586. Cum priuilegio |
Romanskt språk |
18 |
Ascuns nouell cases de les ans & temps le Roy, H.8. Ed.6. & la Roygne Mary, escrie ex la graund abridgement, composed per Sir Robert Brooke chiualer &c. la disperse en les titles. Mes icy collecte sub ans
Robert Brooke, Sir
Anno Domini. 1587 |
Romanskt språk |
19 |
Ascuns nouell cases de les ans et temps le Roy, H.8. Ed.6. et la Roygne Mary, escrie ex la graund Abridgement, compose per Sir Robert Brooke Chieualer ..
Robert Brooke, Sir
1578 |
Romanskt språk |
20 |
Anni decem priores, Regis Edwardi Tertii - multo omnes, quam ante, emendatius æditi, signis istis ** in textu, principiis foliorum editionis prioris, præpositis: numerisque interlinearibus notatis in margine, iurisprudentissimorum virorum Br. & Fitzh. abbreuiamentorum foliis, quod in priore editione non obseruabatur, respondentibus
1596 |
Romanskt språk |