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Sökning efter: Fisher 6277 träffar

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2081 Fishers folly unfolded: or The vaunting Iesuites vanity discovered in a challenge of his (by him proudly made, but on his part poorely performed.) Vndertaken and answered by George Walker pastor of S. Iohn Euangelist in Watlingstreet London George Walker M.DC.XXIIII. 1624 Engelska
2082 The love of the soule. Made by G.M. Whereunto are annexed certain: Catholike questions to the Protestants. With a new addition of a catalogue of the names of Popes and other professors of the ancient Catholike faith: and a challenge to Protestants to shew (if they can) a like catalogue of the names of the professors of the Protestant faith Gregory Martin 1619 Engelska
2083 This sermon folowynge was compyled et sayd in the cathedrall chyrche of saynt Poule within ye cyte of London by the ryght reuerende fader in god Iohn̄ bysshop of Rochester, the body beyinge present of the moost famouse prynce kynge Henry the. vij. the. x. day of Maye, the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.ix. whiche sermon was enprynted at the specyall request of ye ryght excellent pryncesse Margarete moder vnto the sayd noble prynce and Countesse of Rychemonde and Derby John Fisher, Saint 1509 Engelska
2084 Fuimus Troes - Æneid. 2. The true Troianes, being a story of the Britaines valour at the Romanes first inuasion: Publikely represented by the gentlemen students of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford Jasper Fisher 1633 Engelska
2085 This treatyse concernynge the fruytful saynges of Dauid the kynge & prophete in the seuen penytencyall psalmes. deuyded in seuen sermons was made and compyled by the ryght reuerente fader in god Iohan fyssher doctoure of dyuynyte & bysshop of Rochester at the exortacyon and sterynge of the moost excellent princesse Margarete countesse of Rychemount and Derby, & moder to our sonerayne sic lorde kynge Henry the. vii John Fisher, Saint 1509 Engelska
2086 This treatyse concernynge the fruytfull sayenges of Dauyd the kynge and prophete in the seuen penytencyall psalmes. Deuyded in seuen sermons was made and compiled by the right reuerent father in god Iohn̄ fyssher doctour of diuinite and bysshop of Rochester at the exortacyon and sterynge of the moost excellent princesse Margarete countesse of Rychemount and Derby, and mother to our souerayne lorde kynge Henry the seuenth John Fisher, Saint In the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.xxix. 1529 the. xiij. day of the moneth of August Engelska
2087 This treatyse concernynge the fruytfull sayinges of Dauyd the kynge and prophete in the seuen penytencyall psalmes. Deuyded in. vii. sermons, was made and compyled by the ryghte reuerente father in god Iohn fysher douctour of diuynity and byshop of Rochester, at the exortacion and steryng of the most excellente prynces Margaret countesse of Richemount and Derby, and mother to our soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the seuenth John Fisher, Saint An. M.D.L.V. 1555 Engelska
2088 The answere vnto the nine points of controuersy, proposed by our late soueraygne (of famous memory) vnto M. Fisher of the Society of Iesus - And the reioynder vnto the reply of D. Francis VVhite minister. With the picture of the sayd minister, or censure of his writings prefixed John Fisher M.DC.XXVI. 1626 Engelska
2089 A treatise of faith - Wherein is briefly, and plainely shewed, a direct way, by which euery man may resolue, and settle his mind in all doubts, questions, & controuersies, concerning matters of faith. Revievved corrected, and augmented with marginall notes. By A.D. student in diuinity John Fisher M.DC.XIV. 1614 Engelska
2090 A catalogue of diuers visible professors of the Catholike faith - Which sheweth, that the Roman Church hath byn (as the true Church must be) continually visible, in all ages since Christ. Taken out of the appendix to the Reply of A.D. vnto M. Ant. Wotton, and M. Ioh. White ministers John Fisher M.DC.XIV. 1614 Engelska
2091 Here after foloweth a mornynge remembraunce had at the moneth mynde of the noble prynces Margarete countesse of Rychemonde et Darbye moder vnto kynge Henry the. vii. et grandame to oure souerayne lorde that nowe is, vppon whose soule almyghty god haue mercy John Fisher, Saint 1509 Engelska
2092 This treatyse concernynge the fruytfull saynges of Dauyd the kynge and prophete in the seuen penytencyall psalmes. deuyded in seuen sermons was made and compyled by the ryght reuerente fader in god Iohan fyssher doctour of dyuynyte and bysshop of Rochester at the exortacion and sterynge of the moost excellente pryncesse Margarete countesse of Rychemount and Derby, and moder to our souerayne lorde kynge Henry the. vii John Fisher, Saint In the yere of oure lorde. MCCCCC.viii. 1508 ye. xvi. day of ye moneth of Iuyn Engelska
2093 This sermon folowynge was compyled and sayd in the cathedrall chyrche of saynt Poule within ye cyte of London by the ryght reuerende fader in god Iohn̄ bysshop of Rochester, the body beyinge present of the moost famouse prynce kynge Henry the. vij. the. x. day of Maye, the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.ix. whiche sermon was enprynted at the specyall request of ye ryght excellent pryncesse Margarete moder vnto the sayd noble prynce and Countesse of Rychemonde and Derby John Fisher, Saint Anno domini. M.CCCCC.ix. 1509 Engelska
2094 The sermon of Iohan the bysshop of Rochester made agayn the pernicious doctryn of Martin luther - within the octaues of the ascensyon by the assignement of the most reuerend fader in god the lord Thomas Cardinal of Yorke and legate ex latere from our holy father the pope John Fisher, Saint 1521? Engelska
2095 Here after ensueth two fruytfull sermons, made and compyled by the ryght Reuerende father in god Iohn̄ Fyssher, Doctour of Dyuynyte and Bysshop of Rochester John Fisher, Saint the. xxviii. day of Iune, the yere of our lorde. M.CCCCC.xxxii. 1532 Cum priuilegio. These bokes be to sell at London in Southwarke by me Peter Treuerys Engelska
2096 Sir Walter Raleighs Instructions to his sonne: and to posteritie Walter Raleigh, Sir 1632 Engelska
2097 Sir Walter Raleighs instructions to his sonne, and to posterity Walter Raleigh, Sir 1633 Engelska
2098 An answer to a pamphlet, intituled: The Fisher catched in his owne net - In vvhich, by the vvay, is shevved, that the Protestant Church was not so visible, in al ages, as the true Church ought to be: and consequently, is not the true Church. Of which, men may learne infallible faith, necessarie to saluation. By A.C A. C. 1623 Engelska
2099 A sermon very notable, fruitefull, and godlie - made at Paules Crosse in London. Anno domini 1521. within the octaues of the ascension, by that famous and greate clerke John Fischer Bishop of Rochester, concerning the heresies of Martine Luther whych he had raised vp againste the church, wherein it may appeare howe men sithens that tyme haue gone astray. Which sermon was written and put in print by the authour aforesayde John Fisher, Saint Mense Ianuarij. Anno 1556 Engelska
2100 A sermon had at Paulis - by the commandment of the most reuerend father in god my lorde legate, and sayd by Iohan the bysshop of Rochester, vpon quinquagesom sonday, concernynge certayne heretickes, whiche than were abiured for holdynge the heresies of Martyn Luther that famous hereticke, and for ye kepyng and reteynyng of his bokes agaynst the ordinance of the bulle of pope Leo the tenthe John Fisher, Saint 1526? Engelska

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