201-202 |
Anno tertio et quarto Edouardi Sexti - actes made in the session of this present Parliament, holden vpon prorogacion at Westminster the iiii. daie of Nouember, in the third yere of the reigne of oure moste drade souereigne lord Edward the VI by the grace of God Kyng of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendor of the faith, and of the Churche of Englande and also of Ireland, in yearth the supreme hed, and there continued and kept to the first daie of Februarij, in the iiii. yere of oure saied souereigne lorde, as foloweth
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
mense Februarii A. M. D. XLIX Feb. 1549 |
Engelska |
203 |
An acte concernyng the citee of Chester, for weares in the riuer of Dee - the xxv. chapiter
England and Wales
1551 |
Engelska |
204 |
Anno quinto et sexto Eduardi Sexti - actes made in the session of this present Parlament, holden vpon prorogacion at Westminster the xxiii. daie of Januarie, in the fiueth yere of the reigne of our moste drad souereigne lorde Edwarde the VI by the grace of God Kyng of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faith, and of the Churche of England & Ireland, in earth the supreme heade, and there continued and kept to the xv. day of Aprill, in the VI. yeare of the reigne of our sayd souereigne lorde, as foloweth
England and Wales
mense Aprili anno M.D.LII Apr. 1552 |
Engelska |
205-206 |
Anno septimo Eduuardi Sexti - actes made in the Parlamente holden at Westminster, the first daie of Marche, in the VII. yere of the reigne of our moste redoubted souuereine lorde Edwarde the VI by the grace of God King of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faieth, and of the Churche of Englande & also of Irelande in earth the supreme head, and there continued to the dissolucion of the same being the laste daie of the saied moneth of Marche, as foloweth
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
mense Aprilis, anno Domini M.D.LIII Apr. 1553 |
Engelska |
207-209 |
Anno Mariæ primo - actes made in the Parliamente begonne and holden at Westminster, the seconde daye of Apryll, in the firste yeare of the reygne of oure moste gratious soueraygne ladye, Marye by the grace of God, Quene of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defender of the fayth, and there continued and kepte to the dissolution of the same, being the v. daye of Maye then nexte ensuing as foloweth
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
anno M.D.Liiij. mense Maio May 1554 |
Engelska |
210-212 |
Anno primo & secundo Philippi & Mariæ - actes made at a Parliament, begon and holden at Westminster, the xij. daye of Nouember, in the fyrste and seconde yeare of the reigne of our soueraygne lorde and lady Philip and Mary, by the grace of God, Kinge & Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, defendours of the fayth, princes of Spayne and Cycilie, archedukes of Austria, dukes of Myllayn, Burgondie, and Braband, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders and Tyroll, and there continued and kept to the dissolution of the same, beynge the xvi. day of January then next ensuynge, were enacted as foloweth
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
anno MDLV 1555 |
Engelska |
213-214 |
Anno primo & secundo Philippi & Marie - actes made at a Parliament, begon & holden at VVestminster, the eleuenth day of Nouember, in the first and seconde yere of the raigne of our soueraigne lord and lady Philip and Mary by the grace of God, Kyng and Queene of Englande, Fraunce, Naples, Hierusalem, and Irelande, defenders of the fayth, princes of Spaine & Scicile, archdukes of Austria, dukes of Millaine, Burgundye, & Brabant, counties of Hauspurge, Flaunders & Tyrol, and there continued and kept vntyll the dissolution of the same, beyng the xvi. day of Januarie then next ensuing, were enacted as foloweth
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
anno Domini 1555 |
Engelska |
215-217 |
Anno secundo & tertio Philippi & Mariæ - actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the xxi. daye of October, in the seconde and thyrde yeare of the reigne of our soueraygne lorde and lady Philip and Mary, by the grace of God Kinge & Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, defendours of the fayth, princes of Spayne, and Cycilie, archedukes of Austria, dukes of Myllayn, Burgondie and Braband, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders and Tyroll, and there continued and kept to the dissolution of the same, beynge the ix. day of December then next ensuynge, were enacted as foloweth
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
anno M.D.LV 1555 |
Engelska |
218 |
Anno quarto & quinto Philippi & Mariæ
England and Wales
anno M.D.LVIII 1558 |
Engelska |
219 |
Anno quarto et quinto Philippi & Mariæ - actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the xx. day of January in the fourthe and fifte yeare of the reigne of our soueraigne lorde and lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilies, Jerusalem, and Ireland, defendours of the faythe, archedukes of Austria, dukes of Burgundy, Millain, & Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders and Tyroll, and there contynued and kept, vntyll the vii. day of Marche then next folowing, and enacted as foloweth
England and Wales
1558 |
Engelska |
220 |
Anno primo reginae Elizabethe - at the Parliament begonne at Westmynster, the xxiii. of January in the fyrste yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne ladye, Elizabeth by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce and Ireland, quene, defendoure of the faithe, &c. and there proroged tyll the xxv. of the same moneth, and then and there holden, kept, and continued vntill the dissolution of the same, beyng the eyght day of May, then nexte ensuynge, were enacted as foloweth
England and Wales
anno M.D.LIX 1559 |
Engelska |