2181 |
The second volume conteinyng those statutes, whiche haue ben made in the tyme of the most victoriouse reigne of kynge Henrie the Eyght. - with a table to the whole
England and Wales
Anno verbi incarnati. M.D.LI. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. 1551 |
Engelska |
2182 |
Anno XXVIII Henrici VIII. - Actes made in the parlyament begonne and holden at Westminster the. VIII. daye of Iune, in the. XXVIII. yere of the reygne of our most drad soueraigne lorde kynge Henry the. VIII. ...
England and Wales
1536? |
Engelska |
2183 |
Anno tricesimo tertio Henrici octavi - Henry the .VIII. by the grace of God kyng of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the faith, and of the Churche of England, and also of Irelande in earthe the Supreme heade, to the honour of almyghty God, and for the concord quyet and welth of this his realme, and subiectes of the same, helde his moste hygh court of parlyament, begun at Westminster the. XVI. daye of Janyuer, and there contynued tyll the fyrste day of Apryl, the XXXIII. yere of his moste noble and victoryouse reygne, wherin were establyshed these actes folowynge
England and Wales
Anno. M.D.XLII 1542 |
Engelska |
2184-2185 |
Anno primo Edvvardi sexti - Statutes made in the parlamente begon at Westminster the fowerthe daye of Nouember, in the firste yeare of the reigne of our most dreade Souueraine lorde Edvvard the. VI. By the grace of God, kinge of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faithe, and of the Churche of Englande, and also of Irelande in earthe the supreme hed: and from thence continued to the xxiiii. daye of Decembre then nexte ensuyng, that is to saye in the first session of the same Parlamente, as foloweth
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
Anno salutis humanae. M. D. XLVIII i.e. c.1570? |
Engelska |
2186 |
The abregement of the statutes made in the .xxxj. yere of the regne of our most drad souerayne Lorde kynge Henry the eyght, begun the .xxviij. daye of Apryll, and there continued tyll the .xxviij. daye of Iune then next ensuynge
England and Wales
1539? |
Engelska |
2187 |
The statvtes vvhiche the Iustices of peace, mayres, sheriffes, bailyffes, constables, and ther offycers haue ben commanded by the kynges maiesty, not only by his proclamations, to put in execution, vpon peyne of his hygh displeasure: but also by an acte of parlyment made and establysshed the 33.yere of his hyghenesse mooste graciouse reigne
England and Wales
Anno.M.D.XLIII 1543 |
Engelska |
2188 |
The abregement of the statutes of Anno.xxxj. Henrici.viij
England and Wales
1541? |
Engelska |
2189 |
The greate abbrydgement of all the statutes of Englande - untyll the .xxx yere of the reygne of our moste drad soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the eyght. To whom be all honour, reuerence, and ioyfull contynuaunce of his prosperous raygne, to the pleasure of god and weale of thys hys realme. Amen. Cum privilegio regali
England and Wales
1538? |
Engelska |
2190 |
This is the ordinaunce for the conseruation and keping of the Quenes Maiesties swannes and signettes, and of the Lordes spirituall and temporall, and of her Commons within the counties of Lincolne, Northampton, Rutland, Huntington, and Cambridge - and the liberties and fraunchyse of the same: and for the conseruacion of fyshe and fowle, with the assissing of all maner of nettes within the sayde Counties and liberties of the same
England and Wales
ca. 1618 |
Engelska |
2191 |
A proclamation set foorth by Therle of Sussex, the Queenes Maiesties Lieuetenaunt generall in the North, declaring truely the falsehodes and vayne delusions vvherby Therles of Northumberlande and VVestmerlande, and their confederates, do abuse the Queenes Maiesties subiectes, to mayntayne their rebellious enterprises, the .xxviii. of Nouember 1569
England and Wales
1569 |
Engelska |
2192 |
Here begynneth the abregement of the statutes of made in the .xxxii. yere of the reygne of kyng Henry the eyght
England and Wales
1541? |
Engelska |
2193 |
The great abredgement of all the statutes of Englande - with the abredgementes of the statutes made in the .xxxiij. yere of the reygne of oure mooste dreade souereygne lorde kynge Henry the eyght. To whom be al honour, reuerence, & ioyfull contynuaunce of his prosperours reygne to the pleasure of god and weale of this his realme. Amen. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum
England and Wales
In the yere of our Lorde God. M. D. XLij. 1542 |
Engelska |
2194 |
The copie of the proclamatioun set furth be the Kingis Maiestie and his counsall - for ane conuentioun of the professouris of the trew religioun within this realme, to consult and deliberate vpon the imminent dangeris and conspiracies of the papistis
England and Wales
Anno Domini M. D. LXXII 1572 |
Engelska |
2195 |
Anno III. & IIII. Edvvardi sexti - Actes made in the session of this present parlament, holden vpon prorogation at Westminster, the .iiii daie of Nouembre, in the thirde yere of the reigne of our most dread souuereine Lorde Edward the .vi by the grace of God, king of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, defendour of the faith, and of the Churche of Englande, and also of Irelande, in earth the supreme head: and there continued, and kept to the first daie of Februarie, in the .iiii. yere of the reigne of our saied Souuereine Lorde, as foloweth
England and Wales
1553 |
Engelska |
2196-2197 |
Anno quinto et sexto Eduardi Sexti - Actes made in the session of this present parlamente, holden vpon prorogacion at Westminster, the .xxiii. daye of Januarye, in the fyueth yeare of the reygne of our most dradde souereygne Lorde, Edwarde the .VI. by the grace of God, kynge of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, defendour of the fayth, and of the Churche of Englande and Irelande, in earthe the supreme heade: and there continued and kepte tyll the .xv. daye of Apryll, in the .vi. yeare of the reygne of our saied souereigne Lorde, as foloweth
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
Mense Iunij. Anno .M.D.LII. i.e. 1553? |
Engelska |
2198 |
Anno XXXI. Henrici Octavi. Henry the eyght by the grace of god king of England and of Fraunce, defender of faith, Lord of Irelande, & in earth supreme hed immediately vnder Christ of the church of England, to the honour of almighty God consernacion of the true doctrine of Christes religion, and for the concord quiet & welth of this his realme and subiects of the same, helde his moste high court of Parliament, begonne at Westminster the .xxviii. day of Apryl, and there continued til the .xxviii. day of Iune, the .xxxi. yere of his most noble and victorious reigne, wherin were established these actes folowyng
England and Wales
1562 |
Engelska |
2199 |
Anno Mariæ primo - Actes made in the parlyamente begonne and holden at Westminster, the second daye of Apryll, in the firste yeare of the raygne of oure moste gracious soueraygne Ladye, Marye by the grace of God, Quene of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, defender of the faythe, and there continued and kepte to the dissolution of the same, beynge the v. daye of Maye then next ensuing as foloweth
England and Wales
Anno .M.D.Liiij. Mense Maio. 1554 |
Engelska |
2200 |
Anno XXXIII. Henrici Octavi. Henry the .viii. by the grace of God kynge of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the faith, and of the churche of Englande and also of Irelande in earthe supreme heade, to the honour of almightie God, and for the concorde quyet and welth of this his realme, and subiectes of the same, helde his moste high courte of parliament, begun at Westminster the. xvi. day of Ianuary, and continued til the first day of Apryl, the xxxiii. yere of his moste noble and victorious reigne, wherin were establyshed these actes folowyng
England and Wales
1562? |
Engelska |