221 |
Jurors judges of law and fact - or, certain observations of certain differences in points of law between a certain reverend judg, called Andr. Horn, and an uncertain author of a certain paper, printed by one Francis Neale this year 1650. styled, A letter of due censure and redargution to Lievt. Col. John Lilburn, touching his tryall at Guild-Hall, London in Octob. 1649. subscribed H.P. Written by John Jones, gent. Not for any vindication of Mr. Lilburn against any injury which the said author doth him, who can best vindicate himself by due cours of law; if not rather leav it to God whose right is to revenge the wrongs of his servants. Nor of my self, but of what I have written much contrary to the tenents of this letter; and for the confirmation of the free people of England, that regard their libertie, propertie, and birthright, to beleev and stand to the truth that I have written, so far as they shall finde it ratified by the lawes of God and this land; and to beware of flatterers that endevor to seduce them under colour of good counsel, to betray their freedoms to perpetual slavery
John Jones, of Neyath, Brecon
1650 |
Engelska |
222 |
Every mans case, or, Lawyers routed - In seven treatises, the titles whereof you may find in the ensuing page. Written by John Jones, Gentl prisoner in the Fleet
John Jones, of Neyath, Brecon
1652 |
Engelska |
223 |
Christus Dei, the Lords annoynted. Or, A theologicall discourse, - wherein is proved, that the regall or monarchicall power of our soveraigne lord King Charles is not of humane, but of divine right, and that God is the sole efficient cause thereof, and not the people. Also that every monarch is above the whole common-wealth, and is not onely major singulis, but major vniversis. Written in answer to a late printed pamphlet intituled, Observations upon some of His Majesties late answers and expresses
John Jones
1643 |
Engelska |
224 |
An examination of the observations upon His Majesties answers. - Wherein the absurdities of the observators positions, and inferences are discovered
John Jones
Printed in the yeare of our Lord. M.DC.XLIII. 1643 |
Engelska |
225 |
The necessity of Christian subjection. - Demonstrated, and proved by the doctrine of Christ, and the Apostles; the practice of primitive Christians, the rules of religion, cases of conscience, and consent of latter orthodox divines, that the power of the King is not of humane, but of divine right; and that God onely is the efficient cause thereof. Whereunto is added, an appendix of all the chief objections that malice it selfe could lay upon His Majestie, with a full answer to every particular objection. Also a tract intituled, Christus Dei, wherein is proved that our Soveraign Lord the King is not onely major singulis, but major universis
Thomas Morton
Printed in the yeere. 1643 |
Engelska |
226-227 |
A briefe, excellent, and profitable discourse, of the naturall beginning of all growing and liuing things, heate, generation, effects of the spirits, gouernment, vse and abuse of phisicke, preseruation, &c. - no lesse pleasant and acceptable to the students of philosophie and phisicke, then beneficiall and necessarie for all others, desirous either of knowledge, health, youth, and long life : collected and tradused as wel forth of the best olde wryters, as out of the new, and most approued in our daies : in the ende wherof is shewed, the order and composition of a most heauenly water, for the preseruation of mans lyfe
(flera utgåvor)
John Jones
1574 |
Engelska |
228 |
Galens bookes of elementes, as they be in the epitome (whiche may very aptly, in my iudgement, be entituled, for the better vnderstanding of the readers, the originall of all thinges naturall in the vvhole vvorlde - confuting, as well the errours of all them that went before time, as that hath, or shal folowe hereafter of the Paracelcians : marueilous pleasaunt, and most acceptable for all sharpe wittes, desirous of wisedome)
John Jones, physician
1574 |
Engelska |
229 |
A spectacle for periurers - 27. Die Nouemb. 1589. / by W. Fulwood
William Fullwood
1589? |
Engelska |
230 |
Our sauiours iourney to the Gadarens: or the loue of Christ vnto man. Written by I. Iones Bachelour in Diuinity, and parson of S. Nicholas Acons, London
John Jones
1615 |
Engelska |
231-232 |
Londons looking backe to Ierusalem, or, Gods iudgements vpon others, are to be obserued by vs
(flera utgåvor)
John Jones, minister at St. Michael Bashenshaw, London
1635 |
Engelska |
233 |
The conquest of the saints: or A short treatise of concord and peace - vvherein is shewed the necessity of unity and peace, without which neither church nor common-wealth can stand. Preached by John Jones Master of Arts, late minister at St. Michael Bashenshaw in London: and now published for the common good
John Jones, minister at St. Michael Bashenshaw, London
MDCXXXIX. 1639 |
Engelska |
234 |
A dial for all agues - conteininge the names in Greeke, Latten, and Englyshe, with the diuersities of them, symple and compounde, proper and accident, definitions, deuisions, causes, and signes, comenly hetherto knowen: very profitable for al men, compendiously compiled (and confirmed as may appeare out of the auctors following) by Iohn Iones phisition
John Jones, physician
Anno. 1566. Cum priuilegio |
Engelska |
235 |
Adrasta: or, The vvomans spleene, and loves conquest - A tragi-comedie. Never acted
John Jones
1635 |
Engelska |
236 |
The bathes of Bathes ayde - wonderfull and most excellent, agaynst very many sicknesses, approued by authoritie, confirmed by reason, and dayly tryed by experience: vvith the antiquitie, commoditie, propertie, knovvledge, vse, aphorismes, diet, medicine, and other thinges therto be considered and obserued
John Jones, physician
1572 |
Engelska |
237 |
The benefit of the auncient bathes of Buckstones - vvhich cureth most greeuous sicknesses, neuer before published
John Jones, physician
1572 |
Engelska |
238 |
The arte and science of preseruing bodie and soule in healthe, wisedome, and Catholike religion - phisically, philosophically, and diuinely deuised: by Iohn Iones phisition. Right profitable for all persones: but chiefly for princes, rulers, nobles, byshoppes, preachers, parents, and them of the Parliament house
John Jones, physician
Anno. 1579 |
Engelska |
239 |
The arte and science of preseruing bodie and soule in al health, wisedome, and catholike religion - phisically, philosophically, and diuinely deuised: by Iohn Iones phisition. Right profitable for all persones: but chiefly for princes, rulers, nobles, byshoppes, preachers, parents, and them of the Parliament house
John Jones, physician
anno. 1579 |
Engelska |
240 |
The great duty of conformity - plainly illustrated in the example of a young man, who was first drawn to the Presbyterians and afterwards to the independent-perswasion, but now from a deep sence of that his sin, returned to the Church of England : giving a particular account of the reasons whereby he was convinced of his error in separating, and a modest refutation of the common objections which are urged against conformity
Jo. (John) Jones
1684 |
Engelska |