221 |
BIOMS 2014 : proceedings : 2014 IEEE Workshop on Biometric Measurements and Systems for Security and Medical Applications : October 17, 2014, University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy
Italy) (2014 IEEE Workshop on Biometric Measurements and Systems for Security and Medical Applications Rome
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222 |
Energetics and technology of biological elimination of wastes electronic resource : Proceedings of the International Colloquium, held in Rome, October 17-19, 1979
Italy) (1979 International Colloquium on Energetics and Technology of Biological Elimination of Wastes Rome
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223 |
2018 IEEE International Systems Engineering Symposium : 1-3 October 2018, Rome, Italy / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Italy) (2018 IEEE International Systems Engineering Symposium Rome
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224 |
Algorithms and Complexity electronic resource : Second Italian Conference, CIAC '94, Rome, Italy, February 23 - 25, 1994. Proceedings / edited by Maurizio Bonuccelli, Pierluigi Crescenzi, Rossella Petreschi
Italy) 1994 : (2nd Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity Rome
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225 |
Improving Financial Education Efficiency electronic resource: OECD-Bank of Italy Symposium on Financial Literacy / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Italy) (2010 OECD-Bank of Italy Symposium on Financial Literacy Rome
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226 |
Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization electronic resource : 5th International Workshop, APPROX 2002, Rome, Italy, September 17-21, 2002. Proceedings / edited by Klaus Jansen, Stefano Leonardi, Vijay Vazirani
Italy) International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems Rome
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227 |
ISNCC 2018 : the 2018 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications : 19-21 June, 2018, Rome, Italy / techinical co-sponsors, IEEE and five others
Computers and Communications Rome International Symposium on Networks
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228 |
Le sujet et l'Histoire dans le roman français contemporain : écrivans en dialogue
Italy) (2013 Sujet et l'Histoire dans le roman français contemporain (Conference) Rome
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229 |
Organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment : proceedings of the fifth European symposium held in Rome, Italy, October 20-22, 1987 / edited by G. Angeletti and A. Bjørseth
Italy) 1987 : (5th European Symposium on Organic Micropollutants in the Aquatic Environment Rome
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230 |
The bulldozer in the countryside : suburban sprawl and the rise of American environmentalism / Adam Rome. electronic resource
Adam Ward Rome
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231 |
Advances in Cross-Language Information Retrieval electronic resource : Third Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2002 Rome, Italy, September 19–20, 2002 Revised Papers / edited by Martin Braschler, Julio Gonzalo, Martin Kluck
Italy) 2002 : (3rd Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum Rome
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232 |
New trends in software methodologies, tools and techniques electronic resource / edited by Hamido Fujita and Domenico Pisanelli
Tools and Techniques Rome International Conference on New Trends in Software Methodologies
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233 |
Principles of Distributed Systems electronic resource : 16th International Conference, OPODIS 2012, Rome, Italy, December 18-20, 2012, Proceedings / edited by Roberto Baldoni, Paola Flocchini, Ravindran Binoy
Italy) 2012 : (16th OPODIS 2012 Rome
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234 |
Physical processes in fragmentation and star formation : proceedings of the Workshop on 'Physical Processes in Fragmentation and Star Formation', held in Monteporzio Catone (Rome), Italy, June 5-11, 1989 / edited by Roberto Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Cesare Chiosi, and Alberto Di Fazio
Italy) (1989 Workshop on 'Physical Processes in Fragmentation and Star Formation' Rome
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235 |
Critical Information Infrastructure Security electronic resource : Third International Workshop, CRITIS 2008, Rome, Italy, October 13-15, 2008 / edited by Roberto Setola, Stefan Geretshuber
Italy) (2008 CRITIS 2008 Rome
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236 |
Safety evaluation of certain food additives electronic resource / prepared by the Sixty-ninth Meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)
Italy) 2008 : (69th Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. Meeting Rome
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237 |
Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Visual Analytics electronic resource : Third International Conference of the CLEF Initiative, CLEF 2012, Rome, Italy, September 17-20, 2012, Proceedings / edited by Tiziana Catarci, Pamela Forner, Djoerd Hiemstra, Anselmo Penas, Giuseppe Santucci
Italy) 2012 : (3rd Cross-Language Evaluation Forum. Workshop Rome
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238 |
Operational oceanography electronic resource : implementation at the European and regional scales : proceedings of the Second International Conference on EuroGOOS, 11-13 March 1999, Rome, Italy / N.C. Flemming, editor-in-chief editorial committee, S. Vallerga ... et al.
Italy) 1999 : (2nd International Conference on EuroGOOS Rome
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239 |
The English Embrace of the American Indians electronic resource : Ideas of Humanity in Early America / by Alan S. Rome
Alan S. author. Rome
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240 |
Fusion technology 1992 : proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Rome, Italy, 14-18 September 1992 / edited by C. Ferro, M. Gasparotto, H. Knoepfel, ENEA, Frascati, Italy
Italy) Symposium on Fusion Technology Rome
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