2501-2502 |
Holy incense for the censers of the saints. Or, A method of prayer - with matter, and formes in selected sentences of sacred scripture. Also A praxis upon the holy oyle shewing the vse of scripture-phrases. And choyse places taken out of the singing Psalmes, digested into a method of prayer and praises
(flera utgåvor)
John Clarke
1635 |
Engelska |
2503 |
Dante's Divine Comedy: A Reading Guide
2024 |
Okänt |
2504 |
To haue, or not to haue
John Clarke
1627 |
Engelska |
2505 |
The defence of the honor of God - and of his only sonne Iesus Christ our Lord, of the apostles, prophets, ancient fathers, and all Catholike Christians. Against the iniurious words, and writings of Protestant ministers; who affirme, that the Church of God hath erred, decayed, and beene inuisible vpon earth. Written by Anthonie Clarke, a Catholike Christian
Anthony. Clarke
With permission of superiors. 1621 |
Engelska |
2506 |
The trumpet of Apollo - sounding out the sweete blast of recouerie, in diuers dangerous and desperate diseases
John Clarke, apothecary
1602 |
Engelska |
2507 |
Formulæ oratoriæ - in usum scholarum concinnatæ; unà cum orationibus, declamationibus, &c. deque collocatione oratoria, & artificio demum poëtico, præceptiunculis
John Clarke
Latin |
2508 |
Phraseologia puerilis, Anglo-Latina, in usum tirocinii scholastici. Or, selected Latine and English phrases - wherein the purity and propriety of both languages is expressed. Very usefull for young Latinists, to prevent barbarismes, and bald Latine-making, and to initiate them in speaking and writing elegantly in both languages. By I. Clarke B.D. and Master of the Free Schoole in Lincolne
John Clarke
1638 |
Engelska |
2509 |
The recantation of Thomas Clarke (sometime a Seminarie Priest of the English Colledge in Rhemes; and nowe by the great mercy of God conuerted vnto the profession of the gospell of Iesus Christ) made at Paules Crosse, after the sermon made by Master Buckeridge preacher, the first of Iuly, 1593. Whereunto is annexed a former recantation made also by him in a publique assembly on Easter day, being the 15. of April, 1593
Thomas Clarke, seminarie priest of the English college at Rheims
Anno Domini, 1594 |
Engelska |
2510 |
A pronostication for diuers yeares - ryght vtyle and profytable to al sortes of people, wherin is declared what persons hath mooste and leaste dominacions ouer the starres and elementes, whereby the iudgementes of the astrologiens be scarsely true, geuynge together great consolation to those who muche fear the constellations. Also of the fourth and laste monarchie, the whiche Charles the. v. ryghte victorious Emperoure of the Romaynes, and Edwarde the. vi. mooste noble Emperoure of great Bryttayne, by the grace of God, gouerneth, comprehendynge also brieflye some words of the last age of the world, gathered together by Master Arnold Bogarde doctour in medecyne, resident in Bruxels and translated into Englysh oute of Frenche by Iohn Coke, clarcke of the Recognysances, or vulgerly called clark of the Statutes
Arnould. Bogaert
The yeare of oure Lorde God. M.D.LIII. 1553 |
Engelska |
2511 |
Dux grammaticus Tyronem Scholasticum ad rectam brace orthographiam, syntaxin, & prosodiam brace dirigens. - Cui suas etiam auxiliares succenturiavit copias dux oratorius, quintuplici viz. cohorte, imitatione paraphrasi synopsi metaphrasi, &c. variatione phrasium, &c. ubi variæ tum regulæ, tum formulæ traduntur, rem eandem exprimenda variè
John Clarke
1638 |
Latin |
2512 |
Excavations at Helgö 17, Workshop, p. 3
2008 |
Engelska |
2513 |
Roman life - 100 B.C. to A.D. 200
John R. Clarke
2007 |
Engelska |
2514 |
The new Shostakovich
Ian MacDonald
2006 |
Engelska |
2515 |
Meditations in my confinement, when my house was visited with the sickness - in April, May and June, 1666, in which time I buried two children, and had three more of my family sick
Thomas. Clarke
1666 |
Engelska |
2516 |
The rest-less ghost, or, Wonderful news from Northamptonshire and Southwark - being a most true and perfect account of a persons appearance that was murdered above two hundred and fifty years ago : first about three weeks since, to one William Clarke at Hennington in Northhampton-shire, whom it appointed to meet in Southwark, and did there appear to him again, and several others on Sunday last, the 10th of this instant January : where it discovered a great parcel of money, and some writings buried in the ground, which were disposed off by his order, and then seeming satisfied it disappeared : this relation is taken from the said Will. Clarks own mouth who came to London on purpose, and will be attested and justified by Will. Stubbins, Iohn Charlton, and John Steven, to be spoken with any day, at the Castle Inn without Smith Field-Barrs, and many others
William Clarke
1675 |
Engelska |
2517 |
The natural history of nitre, or, A philosophical discourse of the nature, generation, place, and artificial extraction of nitre, with its vertues and uses
William Clarke
1670 |
Engelska |
2518 |
Colloquiorum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami familiarium opus aureum - cum scholis quibusdam antehac non editis, quae difficiliora passim loca diligenter explicant
Erasmus av Rotterdam
Latin |
2519 |
The life & death of Nebuchadnezzar, the Great, the first founder of the Babylonian Empire, represented by the golden head of that image, Dan. 2. 32., and by the lion with eagles wings, Dan. 7. 4. - as also of Cyrus, the Great, the first founder of the Empire of the Medes and Persians, represented by the breast, and arms of silver in that image, Dan. 2. 32., and by a bear, Dan. 7
Samuel Clarke
1664 |
Engelska |
2520 |
The blessed life and meritorious death of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, from His conception to His cross, and from His cross to His crown - together with the series, and order of His ministery, and miracles, as they are recorded by the four Evangelists, wherein what is wanting in one is supplied out of the other
Samuel Clarke
1664 |
Engelska |