25301 |
The case of Alexander Pope, of Twickenham, - Esq; and his counsel learned in the law. Transversed to a friendly dialogue between him and the ordinary of Newgate. By way of allusion to the first satire of the second book of Horace. To which is prefixed, a dissection, and compleat key to Mr. Gay's posthumous opera of Achilles. By Alexander Burnet Esq
Alexander. Burnet
1734 |
Engelska |
25302 |
A key to the lock. - Or, A treatise proving, beyond all contradiction, the dangerous tendency of a late poem, entituled, The rape of the lock. To government and religion. By Esdras Barnivelt, apoth. The second edition. To which are added commendatory copies of verses, by the most eminent political wits of the age
Alexander Pope
1715 |
Engelska |
25303-25304 |
The Dunciad. - With notes variorum, and the prolegomena of Scriblerus. Written in the year, 1727
(flera utgåvor)
Alexander Pope
1735 |
Engelska |
25305 |
A free and candid examination of Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on history - wherein all his Lordships objections against the genuineness and authenticity of the Old Testament, are confirmed, illustrated, and reduced to a system
Alexander Campbell, Midshipman of H.M.S. Wager
1753? |
Engelska |
25306 |
A new universal and impartial history of England, from the earliest authentic records, and most genuine historical evidence, to the summer of the year 1786. - Containing a clear, authentic, candid, accurate, faithful, and circumstantial account of every memorable transaction, interesting event, and remarkable occurrence, recorded in the annals of Great Britain. With a comprehensive account of its origin and progressive state, the various revolutions it has undergone, and the conquests and acquisitions it has obtained in different parts of the world. Also a concise view of the constitution and political establishments of Britain, its laws, institutions, parliaments, charters, commerce, arts, sciences, inventions, civil, ecclesiastical, military and naval transactions, &c. Likewise an accurate and chronological account of all the sovereigns who have swayed the British scepter; with an impartial display of their characters, whether distinguished for their wisdom in the cabinet, their military atchievements in the field, their private virtues, or their public vices. Including anecdotes of other illustrious and extraordinary personages, such as historians, poets, orators, admirals, generals, statesmen, patriots, heroes, heroines, divines, physicians, philosophers, &c. &c. whose private virtues, and public actins, have combined in promoting the honour, and supporting the dignity, of the British nation. Interspersed with occasional remarks, observations and reflections, wherein the errors of former writers are corrected, glaring absurditics printed out, ... and legendary tales expunged, party prejudices removed, and what has hitherto appeared obscured and doubtful placed in the clearest light, and authenticated from the most undeniable historical evidence. The whole comprizing, in the most accurate, clear and impartial manner, every thing worthy of being recorded in the annals of the British Empire. Embellished and illustrated with upwards of one hundred and twenty beautiful copper plate engravings, taken from the original drawing ... and Samuel Wale, Esq by those celebrated ... monarch of England, .... By George Frederick Raymond, Esq. Assisted by Alexander Gordon and Hugh Owen, Esqrs. and others, who, for many years past, have made the history of this country their peculiar study
George Frederick. Raymond
1786 |
Engelska |
25307 |
An Act to attaint Alexander Earl of Kellie, William Viscount of Strathallan, Alexander Lord Pitsligo, ... of high treason, if they shall not render themselves to one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, on or before the twelfth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty six, and submit to justice
Great Britain
1746 |
Engelska |
25308 |
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de lumbricis - Quam annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, D. Gulielmi Wishart S.T.D. Academiæ Edinburgenæ Praefecti, nec non amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicae decreto; Pro Gradu Doctoratus, summisque in medicina Honoribus et Privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis, eruditorum examini subjicit Alexander M'Kinlie, Hibernus. Ad diem 1, Augusti, horâ locoque solitis
Alexander McKinlie, Hibernus
M.DCC.XLIX. 1749 |
Latin |
25309 |
A discourse concerning the religious observation of the Lord's Day, both doctrinal and practical - In two parts. Under the following heads, viz. I. The grounds and reaons of the observation of the Sabbath and Lord's Day. II. An account of the change of the day from the seventh to the first day of the week. III. The benefits and advantages, both to the public, and to private persons, from the devout and religious observation of the Lord's Day. IV. The particular manner, in which this Holy Day ought to be observed by all Christians. By Alexander Jephson, A.B. rector of Craike in the Diocese of Durbam
Alexander Jephson
M.DCC.XXXVII. 1737 |
Engelska |
25310 |
The modern gazetteer; being a compendious geographical dictionary of all the nations, kingdoms, empires, states, republics, provinces, departments, duchies, counties, cities, towns, townships, forts, oceans, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, canals, hills, mountains, &c. In the known world - describing the situation, extent, boundaries, productions, manufactures, trade, curiosities, antiquities, inhabitants, manners, government, population, laws, religion, revolutions, improvements, ancient and modern names, &c. of the different countries: brought down to the present time; by Alexander Aitchison, member of the Royal Physical and Hibernian Medical Societies of Edinburgh. In two volumes. Illustrated with coloured maps
Alexander. Aitchison
M,DCC,XCVIII. 1798 |
Engelska |
25311 |
England's alarm; which is also directed to Scotland and Ireland. In several discourses. - Which contain a warning against the great wickedness of these lands, and of the desolating judgments approaching upon them. To which are added, some papers relative to the subject. By Alexander Moncrieff, M.A. minister of the Gospel at Abernethy
Alexander Moncrieff
1757 |
Engelska |
25312 |
Lick upon lick; occasion'd by another occasional letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope. - To which is added, (the third edition.) a blast upon bays; or, A new lick at the laureat: containing remarks upon that tattling performance, Mr. Cibber's first letter to Mr. Pope, &c
1744 |
Engelska |
25313 |
A new, universal and impartial history of England, from the earliest authentic records, and most genuine historical evidence, to the year 1788. - Containing a clear, authentic, candid, accurate, faithful, and circumstantial account of every memorable transaction, interesting event, and remarkable occurrence, recorded in the annals of Great Britain. With a comprehensive account of its origin and progressive state, the various revolutions it has undergone, and the conquests and acquisitions it has obtained in different parts of the world. Also a concise view of the constitution and political establishments of Britain, its laws, institutions, parliaments, charters, commerce, arts, sciences, inventions, civil, ecclesiastical, military and naval transactions, &c. Likewise an accurate and chronological account of all the sovereigns who have swayed the British scepter; with an impartial display of their characters, whether distinguished for their wisdom in the cabinet, their military atchievements in the field, their private virtues, or their public vices. Including anecdotes of other illustrious and extraordinary personages, such as historians, poets, orators, admirals, generals, statesmen, patriots, heroes, heroines, divines, physicians, philosophers, &c. &c. whose private virtues, and public actions, have combined in promoting the honour, and supporting the dignity, of the British nation. Interspersed with occasional remarks, observations and reflections, wherein the errors of former writers are corrected, glaring absurdities pointed out, fabulous narrations and legendary tales expunged, party prejudices removed, and what has hitherto appeared obscure and doubtful placed in the clearest light, and authenticated from the most undeniable historical evidence. The whole comprizing, in the most accurate, clear and impartial manner, every thing worthy of being recorded in the annals of the British empire. Embellished and illustrated with upwards of one hundred and twenty beautiful copper plate engravings, taken from the original drawings of Messrs. Metz, Stothard; and Samuel Wale, Esq. by those celebrated artists Messrs. Heath, Grignion, Walker, Taylor, Roberts, Chesham, &c. representing the most remarkable transactions that occur in the course of the history; with whole length figures of all the British sovereigns, from Egbert the great, first sole monarch of England, to their present majesties. By George Frederick Raymond, Esq. Assisted by Alexander Gordon and Hugh Owen, Esqrs. and others, who, for many years past, have made the history of this country their peculiar study
George Frederick. Raymond
1788? |
Engelska |
25314 |
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. - In six volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements, together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton
Alexander Pope
1789 |
Engelska |
25315 |
The works of Mr. Alexander Pope, Esq - With explanatory notes and additions never before printed
Alexander Pope
1740 |
Engelska |
25316 |
An essay on criticism
Alexander Pope
1711 |
Engelska |
25317 |
A history of England and the British empire designed for the instruction of youth; to which is prefixed An essay on the English constitution: compiled from the best authorities by Alexander Bicknell embellsihed with maps.
Alexander Bicknell
1791 |
Engelska |
25318 |
The history of the revolution 1688 - Giving an account of the manner in which it was accomplished, and its happy effects; particularly to the kingdom and Church of Scotland. By the Reverend Alexander Duncan, D.D. minister of Smalholm
Alexander Duncan
MDCCXC. 1790 |
Engelska |
25319 |
An essay on man. By Alexander Pope, Esq
Alexander Pope
Anno 1797 |
Engelska |
25320 |
A supplement to Dr. Swift's works. - Containing, I. Miscellanies, by Dr. Arbuthnot. II. Several pieces, by Dr. Swift and Mr. Pope. III. Poems on several occasions
Jonathan Swift
M,DCC,LIII. 1753 |
Engelska |