25341 |
Circulated by the East-Kent and Canterbury Association. Substance of the speech of the Right Honourable Lord Loughborough in the House of Lords on the third reading of the bill for establishing certain regulations respecting aliens, December 26, 1792
Alexander Wedderburn Rosslyn, Earl of
1793? |
Engelska |
25342 |
Itinerarium septentrionale - or, a journey thro' most of the counties of Scotland, and those in the north of England. In two parts. Part I. ... monuments of Roman antiquity, ... Part II. ... the Danish invasions ... with sixty-six copper plates. By Alexander Gordon, A.M
Alexander Gordon
1726 |
Engelska |
25343 |
General collection of nautical publications by A. Dalrymple. 1783
Alexander Dalrymple
1783 |
Engelska |
25344 |
Notwithstanding the many years that the Europeans have navigated to India, there is not, in any language, what may be termed a tolerable set of charts for all parts of this very important navigation: M. d'Apres has done much, but much still remains to be done. ..
Alexander Dalrymple
1779 |
Engelska |
25345 |
Helenore, or The fortunate shepherdess, a poem, in the broad scotch dialect - By Alexander Ross, A.M. schoolmaster at Lochlee. To which are added, songs, By the same author, and a glossary
Alexander Ross
Engelska |
25346 |
A narrative of the campaign in India, which terminated the war with Tippoo Sultan, in 1792. - With maps and plans illustrative of the subject, and a view of Seringapatam. By Major Dirom, deputy adjutant general of His Majesty's forces in India
Alexander Dirom
1793 |
Engelska |
25347 |
The dunciad, in four books. - Printed according to the complete copy found in the year 1742. With the prolegomena of scriblerus, and notes variorum. To which are added, several notes now first publish'd, the hypercritics of aristarchus, and his dissertation on the hero of the poem
Alexander Pope
Engelska |
25348 |
The first epistle of the second book of Horace, imitated
Alexander Pope
M.DCC.XXXVII. 1737 |
Engelska |
25349 |
Alexander Kluge : Er hat die herzlosen Augen eines über alles Geliebten(dOCUMENTA (13): 100 Notes - 100 Thoughts, 100 Notizen - 100 Gedanken # 031)
Dr. Alexander. Kluge
uuuu-uuuu |
Okänt |
25350 |
The Iliad of Homer. Translated from the Greek by Alexander Pope, Esq. In two volumes. Volume I
Engelska |
25351 |
A brief apology in behalf of the people in derision call'd Quakers. Written for the information of our sober and well-inclined neighbours in and about the town of Warminster in the county of Wilts. by Will. Chandler, Alex. Pyot, J. Hodges, and some others
William. Chandler
1701? |
Engelska |
25352 |
The true interest of Great Britain, Ireland and our plantations - Or, A proposal for making such an union between Great Britain and Ireland, and all our plantations, as that already made betwixt Scotland and England. Whereby the attempts and endeavours of foreign powers and domestick factions, towards dividing, disuniting, weakening and dismembering us, may be prevented. And a new method of husbandry by greater and lesser canals; whereby the present value and product of our lands and waters may, in five or six years, be, at an avarage, at least quadrupled: the publick debts may be paid off; and such of our taxes, as are most burthen some and hurtful to our trade and industry, removed. And all this, at an expence of money and labour, at the ulmost extent, within Britain, not exceeding three or four years of the ordinary expence of money and labour, now, at an avarage, annuality bestowed upon our lands and waters. With proposals for removing the hurtful parts of the heretable courts and jurisdictions, and of the present holdings and tenures of lands in Scotland; and other such obstructions to all good law, power, government, union, industry and improvements whatsoever. By Sir Alexander Murray, of Stanhope, barnoet
Alexander Murray, Sir
Printed for the author in the year MDCCXL. 1740 |
Engelska |
25353 |
The natural history of Aleppo, - and parts adjacent. Containing a description of the city, and the principal natural productions in its neighbourhood; together with an account of the climate, inhabitants, and diseases; ... By Alex. Russell, M.D
Alexander Russell
Engelska |
25354 |
Copy of a letter, &c. Glenivis, 20th March, 1746. ..
Donald Cameron
1746 |
Engelska |
25355 |
The American traveller - Or, Observations on the present state, culture and commerce of the British colonies in America, and the further improvements of which they are capable; With an account of the exports, imports and returns of each colony respectively,-and of the numbers of British ships and seamen, merchants, traders and manufacturers employed by all collectively: together with the amount of the revenue arising to Great-Britain therefrom. In a series of letters, written originally to the Right Honourable the Earl of ********* By an old and experienced Trader
Alexander. Cluny
1774 |
Engelska |
25356 |
The wicked life, and fatal but deserved death of Haman, Ahasuerus's prime-minister. - A sermon, preached before the Right Honourable, Lord Provost, magistrates and town-council of Edinburgh, at their election, on Tuesday, 30th. September, 1740. By Mr. Webster
Alexander Webster
MDCCXL. 1740 |
Engelska |
25357 |
The Odyssey of Homer. - Translated from the Greek, by Alexander Pope, Esq; In four volumes
1755 |
Engelska |
25358 |
General introduction to a collection of plans of ports, &c. in the Indian navigation. Published by A Dalrymple
Alexander Dalrymple
1783 |
Engelska |
25359 |
His Majesty's advocate, for His Majesty's interest, appellant. Alexander Lord Forbes of Pitsligo, respondent. The respondent's case
Alexander Forbes Forbes of Pitsligo, Lord
1751 |
Engelska |
25360 |
Alexander Ramsay-Irvine of Saphock, Esq; - - - - - - - - - - - appellant. Alexander Irvine, son of John Irvine, writer in the Chancery-Office in Edinburgh, an infant, by the said John Irvine, his administrator in law, or next friend, the said John Irvine, Sir Alexander Ramsay of Balmain, bart. and Christian Keith, widow, respondents. The appellant's case
Alexander Ramsay-Irvine, Sir
1753 |
Engelska |