25361 |
The poetical works - of Alexander Pope, with his last corrections, additions, and improvements. In four volumes. From the text of Dr. Warburton
Alexander Pope
1787-1788 |
Engelska |
25362 |
A treatise on the nature and virtues of Buxton waters. - With a preliminary account of the external and internal use of natural and artificial warm-waters among the ancients. By a Physician
A. (Alexander) Hunter
M.DCC.LXI. 1761 |
Engelska |
25363 |
Plan for promoting the fur-trade, and securing it to this country, by uniting the operations of the East-India and Hudson's-Bay Companys. By Dalrymple
Alexander Dalrymple
1789 |
Engelska |
25364 |
Travels through different cities of Germany, Italy, Greece, and several parts of Asia, as far as the banks of the Euphrates - In a series of letters. Containing an account of what is most remarkable in their present state, as well as in their monuments of antiquity. By Alexander Drummond, Esq; His Majesty's Consul at Aleppo
Alexander Drummond
MDCCLIV. 1754 |
Engelska |
25365 |
The natural history of Aleppo. - Containing a description of the city, and the principal natural productions in its neighbourhood. Together with an account of the climate, inhabitants, and diseases; particularly of the plague. By Alex. Russell, M.D
Alexander Russell
1794 |
Engelska |
25366 |
Remarks for Alexander Lord Forbes of Pitsligo, upon the information for His Majesty's advocate
Alexander Forbes Forbes of Pitsligo, Lord
1749 |
Engelska |
25367 |
The works of Alexander Pope Esq. in nine volumes complete. - With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: together with the commentary and notes of Mr. Warburton
Alexander Pope
MDCCLII. 1752 |
Engelska |
25368 |
The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. - Translated from the Greek, by Alexander Pope, Esq. In two volumes
M DCC LXVII. 1767 |
Engelska |
25369 |
A letter concerning the due boundaries of christian fellowship; specially, with whom 'tis lawful to join in divine worship, and from whom 'tis duty to withdraw - Written to the prisoners for conscience, in Dunnottar-Castle, who then were many, in summer 1685. By Mr. Alexander Shields, preacher of the Gospel, then prisoner at Ediburgh. Deligently compared with the best manuscripts
Alexander Shields
Printed in the year MDCCXXVI. 1726 |
Engelska |
25370 |
A catalogue of curious and valuable books, to be disposed of by way of sale, (The lowest price being marked at each book), at the shop of Alexander Donaldson, the first fore-stair above the entry to the royal bank, Edinburgh. - The sale to begin on Monday the 12th day of June 1758, and to continue for two months. In this collection are the following books. Folio. Grævii thesaurus antique italiæ, 45 vols Rymer's fœdera, 20 tomes, 10 vols Andersoni diplomata scotiæ The general dictionary, 10 Vols Bayle's dictionary, 5 vols, large paper Johnson's English dictionary, 2 vols Savary's dictionary of trade and commerce, 2 vols Chambers's dictionary, 2 vols The supplement to ditto, 2 vols Millar's gardener's dictionary Jacob's law-dictionary A complete collection of state-trials, 6 vols Thurloe's collection of state-papers, 7 vols Piranesi's antiqulties of Rome, 4 vols Churchill's voyages, 6 vols Harris's voyages and travels, 2 vols Boyle's works, 5 vols, Bacon's works, 3 vols Locke's works, 3 vols Tillotson's works, 3 vols The fine Oxford Bible, 2 vols The grand theatre of Venice Causei musæum Romanum, 2 vols Gualteri index testarum conch. 110 fig. Stephani thesaurus linguæ Græcæ, 5v. Gesneri thesaurus linguæ Latinæ, 4 v. Ciceronis opera omnia, 4v. ap. Steph. All these are the best editions. The list continued on the other side. The books are in good condition, all complete, many of them new; and being priced very low, will be sold only for ready money. - As the person who first commissions or demands a book, must always be preferred, it is hoped that those who intend to be purchasers will send their orders soon. Catalogues to be had at the shop of Alexander Donaldson, who gives ready money for any library, on large parcel of books
Alexander Donaldson
Printed in the year MDCCLVIII. 1758 |
Engelska |
25371 |
A catalogue of curious and valuable books, to be sold by way of sale, (The lowest price being marked at each book,) at the shop of Alexander Donaldson, at pop's head, opposite the exchange, Edinburgh. - The sale to begin on Thursday the 12the day of June 1760, and to continue selling every day for three months. In this collection are the following books, all the best editions: Folio. Biographia Britannica, 5 vols. Ryner's foeligdera, 10 vols. Grv̆ii thesaurus antiq. Itali,̆ 45 vols. Piranessi's antiquities of Rome, 8 vols. Delifle's atlas Moll's large atlas Sennex's book of maps Moll's system of Geog. 2 vols. Boyle's works, 5 vols. Bacon's works, 3 vols. Chambers's Dictionary, 2 vols. (The list coninued on the other side.) The books are in good condition, all complete, and many of them new. As they are priced very low, they will be sold only for ready money. The person who first comissions or demands a book, must always be preserred; it is therefore intreated, that such as design to be purchasers, will send their orders soon. Catalogues to be had at the said shop of Alexander Donaldson, who gives ready money for any library or large parcel of books. Gentlemen in the country, who want catalogues, are desired to send a written memorandum
Alexander Donaldson
Printed in the year MDCCLX 1760 |
Engelska |
25372 |
A catalogue of curious and valuable books, - being the library of Mr. John Spotiswood of that ilk advocate, lately deceas'd. To be sold by way of auction in the High Exchange, on Monday the first day of July 1728. Catalogues are to be had at Alexander Davidson's shop in the Parliament House, at the place of sale, and most book-sellers shops in Edinburgh, for two pence Sterling each, which is to be allowed to those who buy books to the value of 2 shillings. The books may be seen three days befor the austion sic. The time of sale from 3 to 7 in the afternoon. The entries will be very low. Earnest is to be given for the books that are bought, and the books to be taken away eight days after auction. The common rules of auction are to be observ'd
Alexander Davidson
1728 |
Engelska |
25373 |
A catalogue of books printed for Alexander Donaldson bookseller in Edinburgh - And sold at his Shop near Norfolk-street, in the Strand, London, and at Edinburgh; also by the booksellers of Great Britain, Ireland and America
Alexander Donaldson
Printed in the year MDCCLXIV. 1764 |
Engelska |
25374 |
The glory of immanuel; and, the desolation of immanuel's land for the sins of them that dwell therein. - Consider'd and apply'd in two sermons, By Mr. Alexander Moncrieff minister of the Gospel at Abernethy
Alexander Moncrieff
M.DCC.XLVI. 1746 |
Engelska |
25375 |
Dr. Geddes's general answer to the queries, counsils, and criticisms that have been communicated to him since the publication of his proposals for printing a new translation of the Bible
Alexander Geddes
MDCCXC. 1790 |
Engelska |
25376 |
Christianæ pietatis prima institutio, ad usum scholarum latine scripta
Alexander Nowell
MDCCXCV. 1795 |
Latin |
25377 |
A complete concordance to the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament: in two parts. - Containing, I. The appellative or common words in so full and large a manner, that any verse may be readily found by looking for any material word in it. In this part the various significations of the principal words are given, by which the plain meaning of many passages of scripture is shewn: an account of several Jewish customs and ceremonies is also added, which may serve to illustrate many parts of scripture. II. The proper names in the scriptures. To this part is prefixed a table, containing the significations of the words in the original languages from which they are derived. To which is added, a concordance to the books called Apocrypha. The whole digested in an easy and regular method; which, together with the various significations and other improvements now added, renders it more useful than any book of this kind hitherto published. The second edition, with considerable improvements. By Alexander Cruden, M.A
Alexander Cruden
MDCCLXI. 1761 |
Engelska |
25378 |
A Collection of Scots poems on several occasions, by the Late Alexander Pennecuik, gent. and others
MDCCLVI. 1756 |
Engelska |
25379 |
The Iliad of homer. - Translated by Alexander Pope, Esq
MDCCLIV. 1754 |
Engelska |
25380 |
Mr. Pope begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public that the consequence of a violent inflammation in his eyes will unavoidably oblige his benefit to be postponed till Thursday the 31st of March. ..
Alexander Pope
1785 |
Engelska |