25441 |
The sequel to Bulkeley and Cummins's voyage to the South-Seas: or, The adventures of Capt. Cheap, the Hon. Mr. Byron, Lieut. Hamilton, Alexander Campbell and otherrs, late of His Majesty's ship the Wager, which was wreck'd on a desolate island in Lat. 47. S. Long. 81. 40. W. in the South-Seas, Anno 1741. - Containing a faithful narrative of the unparallell'd sufferings of these gentlemen, after being left on the said island by the rest of the officers and crew, who went off in the long boat. Their deplorable condition, desperate enterprizes, and prodigious distresses, till they fell into the hands of the Indians, who carried them into New Spain, where they remained prisoners of war, till sent back to Europe, on the terms of the Cartel, in 1746. The whole interspersed with descriptions of the countries in which the various scenes of their adventures lay; the manners, &c. of the American Indians and Spaniards, and their treatment of the author and his companions. By Alexander Campbell, late midshipman of the Wager
Alexander Campbell, Midshipman of H.M.S. Wager
Engelska |
25442 |
The obligations of Christians to avoid war as much as possible, and to live in peace one with another - A sermon for the Fast Day, March 8, 1797. By Alexander Hewat, D.D
Alexander. Hewat
1797 |
Engelska |
25443 |
Verses on the grotto at Twickenham. - By Mr. Pope. Attempted in Latin and Greek. To which is added, Horti Popiani: ode sapphica. Also the cave of Pope. A prophecy
Alexander Pope
Flerspråkigt verk |
25444 |
Unto the Right t̆herial the siplers. The petition of poor Alexander Bonum Magnum, humbly sheweth, that your petitioner hath, tho' during a very cold season, been laid under the disagreeable necessity of abstaining from the use of his favourite catholicon. That by repeated admonitions, which have lately been given him, in the most acrimonious stile, and in the most public manner, he hath, in particular, been obliged to absent himself from several occasions of mirth and jollity, of which your siplerships have had the happiness to partake. ..
Alexander. Bonum Magnum
1757 |
Engelska |
25445 |
The works of Alexander Pope Esq. volume II. Containing his translations and imitations
Alexander Pope
M,DCC,LII. 1752 |
Engelska |
25446 |
The works of Alexander Pope Esq. volume IV. Containing his satires, &c
Alexander Pope
MDCCLII. 1752 |
Engelska |
25447 |
The works of Alexander Pope Esq. volume V. Containing the dunciad in four books
Alexander Pope
MDCCLVI. 1756 |
Engelska |
25448 |
The works of Alexander Pope Esq. volume VI. - Containing his miscellaneous pieces in verse and prose
Alexander Pope
M,DCC,LII. 1752 |
Engelska |
25449 |
A Norfolk tale; or, A journal from London to Norwich - With a prologue and an epilogue
Alexander Geddes
MDCCXCIV. 1794 |
Engelska |
25450 |
Moral essays, in four epistles to several persons. By Alexander Pope Esq
Alexander Pope
M.DCC.LI. 1751 |
Engelska |
25451 |
To the memorie of Sir Charles Maitland of Pittrichie. Who departed this life March 20th 1704. ..
Alexander. Hill
1704 |
Engelska |
25452 |
Proposals for an institution for the more effectual relief and recovery of persons apparently dead by drowning, suffocation and stoppage of breath from various causes - As likewise for the recovery of persons attacked by disorders attended by what is generally called sudden death, but who may by immediate assistance be preseved and restored to their families, their friends, and the public. By Alexander Johnson, M.D
Alexander Johnson
Published in the year MDCCLXXIII. 1773 |
Engelska |
25453 |
The poet's fall. - A mock heroick poem. By George Alexander Stevens
George Alexander Stevens
1752 |
Engelska |
25454 |
One hundred and twenty new comic songs, wrote by George Alexander Stevens
George Alexander Stevens
M.DCC.LIII. 1753 |
Engelska |
25455 |
Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge. - By H.W. C-T, D.D. &c. Published by request: and now, (for the sake of freshmen and the laity,) by request translated, into English metre, by H.W. Hopkins, A.M
Henry William. Coulthurst
MDCCXCVI. 1796 |
Engelska |
25456 |
Repentance toward God, and faith toward Our Lord Jesus Christ, recommended to ministers of the Gospel. - A sermon preached before the associate synod, in the New Church of Bristow, Edinburgh, September 3. 1771. (Published at their Desire.) By Alexander shanks
Alexander Shanks
MDCCLXXI. 1771 |
Engelska |
25457 |
Web Information Systems and Technologies - 9th International Conference, WEBIST 2013, Aachen, Germany, May 8-10, 2013, Revised Selected Papers
2014 |
Engelska |
25458 |
A new translation of the Holy Bible. - From corrected texts of the originals, &c. Vol. I. Tome I. containing the books of Genesis and Exodus. And part of Leviticus. By the Rev. Alexander Geddes, LL.D
1790 |
Engelska |
25459 |
A discourse concerning the religious observation of the Lord's Day, both doctrinal and practical - In two parts. Under the following heads, viz. I. The grounds and reasons of the observation of the Sabbath and Lord's Day. II. An account of the change of the day from the seventh to the first day of the week. III. The benefits and advantages, both to the public, and to private persons, from the devout and religious observation of the Lord's- Day. IV. The particular manner in which this Holy Day ought to be observed by all Christians. By Alexander Jephson, A.B. rector of Craike in the Diocese of Durham
Alexander Jephson
Engelska |
25460 |
A full and true history of the bloody tragedy of Douglas, as it is now to be seen acting at the theatre in the Canongate
Alexander Carlyle
1757 |
Engelska |